Top 10 Best Tropical House Plants for a luxurious decor

Picture this: a cosy living room bathed in soft sunlight, where the air is filled with the gentle rustle of leaves and the sweet scent of blossoms. No more dumped walls with bland colours, all you feel now is the beauty of nature right inside your home!


Bringing the tropics indoors is an excellent way to bring the above imagination into reality. All you need to do is find some good choices of plants that will work with all your needs. 


Before you jump into the choices, let me brush you up with some basics. Tropical plants are those varieties of plants that are native to forests located in and around the equator. This implies, that they thrive in warm, humid environments and many are relatively low-maintenance


So, if you want to give your home a classic magazine cover look, then tropical house plants are the best varieties for you to take in. Here are 14 of the best tropical houseplants to add a touch of the tropics to your home.

Bird of Paradise

The bird of paradise is a stunning tropical house plant known for its uniquely shaped orange and blue flowers that resemble a bird’s head and beak. 

To care for a bird of paradise, provide plenty of light from an east or west facing window. Mist the leaves to increase humidity around the tropical plant.


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Water thoroughly when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

Light: Bright light

Fun fact: The “beak” of the bird flower is actually made up of three bright orange sepals while the two blue parts are petals.

Chinese Evergreen

With glossy leaves in shades of green, red, pink, and white, the Chinese evergreen brings a pop of colour as one of the most versatile tropical house plants. Some types have striking variegated leaves. Chinese evergreens thrive in medium to low light which makes them excellent for spaces away from windows. 


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Allow soil to partially dry out between waterings.

Light: Bright indirect light

Fun fact: Chinese evergreens are actually a member of the Aglaonema genus, not the true evergreen family. 


Crotons are renowned for their colorful, patterned leaves in yellow, orange, red, pink, and green making them true standout tropical house plants. With proper care, croton houseplants can grow quite large with leaves up to 12 inches long on some varieties. 


Soil: Well-draining potting mix 

Water: Consistent watering

Light: Several hours of direct sunlight per day

Fun fact: Crotons with variegated leaves are created by mutating the plant tissue to lack chlorophyll in certain areas.

Fiddle Leaf Fig

With huge, vibrant green leaves shaped like a violin, the fiddle leaf fig tree is an incredibly popular tropical house plant. These plants can grow up to 10 feet tall when mature, which makes them excellent statement pieces in large spaces.


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Allow soil to partially dry out between waterings.

Light: Several hours of direct sunlight per day  

Fun fact: Fiddle leaf figs develop aerial roots above the soil which help provide support as the plant grows tall and gain moisture and nutrients as the plant matures.


Beautiful and delicate, orchids are a diverse tropical house plant group featuring hundreds of exotic species. Orchids are best known for their showy and unusual flowers, but many also have attractively patterned leaves.


Soil: Specialized orchid potting mix

Water: Allow orchid potting mix to nearly dry out between thorough waterings.

Light: Indirect sunlight

Fun fact: Vanilla is derived from the seed pod of a specific type of tropical orchid vine native to Mexico and South America.

Peace Lily

As you see peace lily flowers(right side) once in a year which is callled spathe. So if you want to see your plant flowering, let it mature and thrive in sunlight.

A graceful tropical house plant with dark green leaves and unique white flowers. It does well in low light and helps purify indoor air, as specified by NASA in it’s 1989 report.


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Water when the top inch of soil becomes dry.

Light: Indirect sunlight

Fun fact: The flower is a specialized leaf called a spathe that surrounds a yellow spadix at its center containing the small real flowers.

Tree Philodendron

The tree philodendron grows as an upright woody shrub with dark green leaves emerging from slender upright stems in the iconic split leaf shape. With support, this philodendron variety can grow up to 15 feet tall! 


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Allow soil to partially dry out between water

Light: Bright indirect light 

Fun fact: This plant is sometimes nicknamed the “Xanadu philodendron” after its cultivar name.

Split Leaf Philodendron

The split leaf philodendron, also called Swiss cheese plant and Monstera deliciosa, is a large-leaved tropical house plant perfect for filling large spaces. The iconic split leaves emerge as the plant matures.


Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Allow soil to partially dry out between waterings.

Light: Bright, indirect sunlight

Fun fact: The slits and holes in the large, arrowhead shaped leaves emerge as the plant transitions to maturity around two to four years old.


Prayer Plant

Known for their distinct daily folding and rising leaf movements, prayer plant is easy to grow tropical house plant with vivid patterns and colors on its leaves. There are many varieties featuring green, red, and variegated leaves.

Soil: Well-draining potting mix

Water: Keep soil consistently moist.

Light: Indirect light

Fun fact: Their daily folding and rising leaf movements follow the sun’s light and darkness which inspired their common name.

Rubber plant

The rubber plant, also known as Ficus elastica, is a popular tropical house plant loved for its glossy, broad leaves and upright growth habit. To keep it’s glossy look intact, keep the leaves dust-free by wiping them gently with a damp cloth.


Soil: Use a well-draining potting mix rich in organic matter.

Water: Allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering. Overwatering can lead to root rot, so it’s essential to maintain a balanced watering routine.

Light: Thrives in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch the leaves.

Fun fact: Rubber plants secretly dance under the cover of darkness.

And there you have it a cool list of the top 10 tropical houseplants that will elevate your home decor to new heights! 


But our journey doesn’t end here. It’s just the beginning of your tropical adventure! Now that you’ve discovered the perfect plants for your home, it’s time to bring them into your life. Head to your nearest nursery or hop online to find these tropical treasures and start transforming your space today.

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