The Planto Blog

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Practical reasons why veganism can’t save our planet?

“Munching a 113g of hamburger, would cost you wasting 660 gallons of water” Does this figure really signify the real situation?   Perhaps a cow that consumes water from lakes is often the rain water...

Calculating your carbon footprint will make your better

The world is on a dangerous path towards catastrophic climate change with 2.5-2.9°C temperature rise in this century. GenZ being the earning and buying generation of this decade, is responsible for...

Top 10 Best Tropical House Plants for a luxurious decor

Bringing the tropics indoors with tropical houseplants is an excellent way to bring the above imagination into reality. All you need to do is find some good choices of plants that will work with all...

How to make the cheapest yet best soil mix for indoor plants 

Before letting yourself down for the 11th time, make sure you check the quality of your soil mix to ensure it is not you, but the soil where the problem lies...

 9 Garden Pests You Must Know How to Handle naturally

A dream garden is a happy paradise where you and your plants enjoy freedom to thrive. But your enemies (I mean garden pests) can quickly turn your garden from a wonderland into a warzone...

8 of the best office plants for a no-window office

If you work in a no-window office and you are a plant enthusiast who would still love to grow plants around This blog is what you have been looking for...

Why is a Sustainable Lifestyle important for GenZ?

A Forbes study discovered that 9 out of 10 GenZiers make life decisions prioritising the environment thus, leading a sustainable lifestyle. This shows how committed we are to living in a way that's...

Snake plant 101: The ultimate care guide you need

If you are a busy plant lover, snake plant can become your new best friend. They are popular and hardy houseplants that can thrive in various conditions. Read the complete article to unlock care...

Discover Your Green love: Easy Plants for Beginners

Do you have some time to spare and love to have plants around? The beauty of nature truly comes alive when we have the opportunity to cultivate plants and witness their transformation. However, for...